Swansea Mobile Foot Clinic
FOOT CLINIC AT THE CENTRE - by appointment only.Phone Lucy on 07817618340 or Sharon on 07790230195 to make an appointmentClinics will be held on a two week cycle, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons between 1:00 and 5:00pm. DATES: Tues. 26/01/21, Tues. 09/02/21, Wed. 24/02/21, Tues. 09/03/21, Tues. 23/03/21, Wed. 07/04/21, Tues. 20/04/21, Tues. 04/05/21, Wed, 19/05/21, Tues. 01/06/21, Tues. 15/06/21, Wed. 30/06/21, Tues. 13/07/21, Tues. 27/07/21. ALL NECESSARY SAFETY PRACTICES WILL BE IN PLACE.